My Parents

What made us friends in the long ago
When we first met?
Well, I think I know,
The best in you and the best in me.
Hailed each other because they knew
that always and always since life began
Our being friends was part of God’s plan.

-George Webster Douglas

Two shall be born, the whole wide world apart,
And speak in different tongues, and have no thought
Each of the other’s being; and have no heed;
And these, o’er unknown seas to unknown lands
Shall cross, escaping wreck, defying death;
And, all unconsciously, shape every act to this one end:
That one day out of darkness they shall meet
And read life’s meanings in each other’s eyes.

-Susan Marr Spalding

My dad was cleaning out his side of my parent’s closet. My mom was watching him, keeping him on task. He was rummaging through his notebooks and had written these two poems in a quote book. He read them to us. Wow, Dad. That was profound. What does it mean Dad? Well, it’s about me and your mother.

My mom and dad grew up worlds apart. My dad is from the Navajo Reservation and my mom is from a suburb of Cleveland. They have few things in common but man, oh, man, are they good together. They taught us about our Euro-American and Navajo cultures and history, giving us the best of both worlds. Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad. 

Bullet-Point the Day

  • Woke up. Zombie style. Prayers, Tai Chi, Breakfast
  • Drove to work with Sarah
  • Talked some funny with my boss
  • Made some flyers for the music department
  • Facebook, emails, Buzzfeed
  • Reading The Motorcycle Diaries for the 15th time. Still loving this poem:

I heard splashing on the boat
her bare feet
And sensed in our faces
the hungry dusk
My heart swaying between her 
and the street, the road
I don’t know where I found the strength 
to free myself from her eyes
to slip from her arms
She stayed crying through rain and glass
clouded with grief and tears
She stayed, unable to cry
Wait! I will come 
walking with you
-Otero Silva

  • Worked on some Symposium stuff. November 1st is the day of our Native American Research Symposium at Westminster College. We’ve received some awesome submissions and I’m looking forward to a good time. Hopefully, it’s going to be a great day!
  • Got to that weird place in the youtube where the low-budget movie trailers live
  • Done with work! Yipee!
  • Food. Burrito, rice, SALSA!
  • Read some more Che
  • I got a good long look at my dad’s feet. For a Navajo guy, he sure has the whitest feet. Long toes, too. He tells me the story of my great-great grandfather on my grandma’s side who was known for having big, big feet. His name was in Navajo, I can’t spell it, I don’t even have the font, but it meant, ‘He who has big feet.’ Thanks great-great grandpa for these Hobbit feet of mine, Sheesh!
  • Back at work ushering for a concert at Westminster College. Sarah, my sister, came with me. I love the patrons, they are elderly and hilarious. I love to treat them tenderly and with respect. Unfortunately, the ‘elite’ were  also in attendance. Ugh! 
  • Angry driving to the Great Salt Lake. Took a few pictures. Beautiful Salt Lake sunset.
  • Home. News. Riverton beauty queen arrested for throwing bombs at people. A-Rod suspended for taking drugs. Seinfeld. Planning. Feed dog.

I had a long good day. Some of it frustrating but that is OK.  More of the same tomorrow.

What I’d Wish I Could’ve Said…

In high school I was really good friends with Nathan. Nathan and I were like brother and sister, we did everything together. No two people were as close as we were. When I left on sabbatical to New York for a year and a half, Nathan got married to a woman and he started his life. I was happy for him until I found out that his woman was a crazy whore-bag and Nathan was acting like a total turd. I lost contact with him for a few years until out of the blue, I got a Facebook message from him saying he was in trouble and needed to talk. Obviously, I was going to be there for a friend so I responded. Nathan was getting a divorce because his wife was emotionally manipulative and abusive. He was living with his parents and he wanted to get back to normal. We planned on meeting up the next day. The next morning I got a phone call from Nathan. He couldn’t come because he was helping his wife. What? I thought you left her? Well, she told him that she was pregnant, had a miscarriage, and wanted him back. He went back to her and because I was a woman, was no longer allowed to be part of his lifeNathan’s wife was jealous of the relationship we had and didn’t want me around.  Nathan told me not to contact him, so I didn’t.

A few years later I got a Facebook friend request from Nathan. I wrote him this:

Hi Nathan, I am happy to see you are alive and I hope your life is going well. Although I am flattered you thought to number me among your facebook friends I really don’t think it’s a good idea. After our last encounter I can see that our relationship has changed and any bond of love or frienship between us was broken. Please tell your family hello from me. I miss your parents tremendously. I hope and pray you’re getting what you want and need from life. I support you in all your endeavors. Take care, Megan

And here was his reply:

Hey Megan, it’s so good to hear from you. I feel like I need to explain some things to you and if, after I do, you still don’t want to be friends then I will leave you be. First off, I have felt terrible about the way that I left things between us. My wife was threatened by the strong friendship you and I had and I went along with what she wanted because that made her happy which made life easier for me. I knew all along that it was wrong and it ate at me often. You knew me probably better than anyone. That is not the kind of person I was or am. I don’t shut people i care about out of my life. I was even pushing my family away, which is so ridiculous. I let my wife dictate who I was and how I should act and that was wrong. I am currently in the process of taking my life back. As we speak, divorce papers are on the way to me so I can sign them and file them. Im in the middle of an amazing internship at Disney’s animal kingdom in Florida. . It feels great to have control of my own life again. I am just in the middle of a really rough time right now with the divorce and all and I could really use an old friend, which I know is a lot to ask for considering the way I treated you. Again, if you still feel like you don’t want to be friends with me then I understand and I will respect your decision. I treated you like crap and if I lose you as a friend because of the stupid decisions I made, I will forever be upset with myself. Megan, I am SO sorry. I hope you can forgive me.

So like an idiot, I forgave him. Life went back to how we used to be and it was fun having my friend back.  A few weeks later I got this email:

Hi Megan,

You’re probably going to hate me again, but Melissa and I are trying to work things out and what this means is that you and I can no longer communicate. Melissa has made some significant changes for the better and I firmly believe we can both get back. As I have betrayed Melissa’s trust, I need to go above and beyond to start building it back again. This means that I can no longer communicate with you in any way. I’m really sorry and I am SO grateful to you for being such a wonderful friend again and coming to my aid when I needed it. I just ask you now to please respect this request as I need to focus 100% on my marriage and begin the process of healing the wounds I’ve created. I hope and pray that you’ll understand.

Your pal, Nathan

When I read that I was like:

Yes, Carrie Bradshaw. Your melodramatic faces actually fit my mood.

Then I was like:

Bitch. Please.

And now, after a few weeks have passed, I’m like this:

So I wrote a little ditty to express all those feelings of betrayal and annoyance. I’m honoring his request of leaving him alone so he hasn’t read it. I really hope someone who reads this blog will send it to him though.


I feel like I am a pretty easy going, forgiving and open-minded person. I think most people deserve to be given a second chance and that’s why I gave you one. However, your cowardice and stupidity has shown me that you didn’t deserve to be given that chance, everI Because of your idiocy I hereby forever revoke your man card and you are going on the  Worst People Ever Who Shouldn’t Be Given A Chance In Hell list.  others on the list include: Child molesters, Tea Party Republicans who think God created AIDS to kill the homosexuals, Anne Hathaway, People who say sherbert and libary and, the Twilight people.

I think it’s really weird that you’ve projected all of your insecurities to me. You think that if I am your friend it will somehow ruin the fabric of your marriage…Thank you? I am that cool of a person and you should feel like I am a threat. Because I can honestly say you have the worst marriage ever if you treat your friends like this. Something you should know about me is that I am not a crazy-ass sociopath like you are. I got my shit together. I would never be the kind of person who tries to ruin a marriage and I hate you for making me feel that way. So let me give it to you a word of advice: get your peen checked for STDS, Your wife is a whore.

You’re a very toxic, reckless person and people, generally, don’t like you. What’s really ironic is that you’re a psych major and you can’t see the myriad of issues ranging from ‘mommy’, to sex, to self-worth that you have. I am glad you have decided to get back with your wife. It makes the world a better place having you two destroy each other. I used to think that your wife was a crazy bitch who used her stank loins to keep you in a metaphorical chokehold. I have now come to realize that you like it, and for me, that is on a level too sexually deviant to consider cool.

I’m going to be great as I have been… In all the years I have known you I have never needed you. We did have fun which keeps the hope I have for you alive; that one day you will be free after your wife is eaten by the animals you take care of, or, far more likely, leaves you for another man. And when that happens, I will laugh. When you’re broken, I will laugh. When you need help, I will laugh. When you wonder where it all went wrong, I will laugh…hard. But seriously though, have a good life.


Now that it’s off my chest, I feel like this:

See ya sucker, good luck being you!

The Lesser Blessed

One thing I can say about Native writers, they sure know how to get angst right! Like ‘John Hughes’ right. Richard Van Camp’s novel, The Lesser Blessed is no exception. I was introduced to this book from one of my professor’s.  I read it, wept, denounced humanity, cried some more, and then decided to write my Senior thesis on it. It is one of the most exceptional books I have ever read.

The story revolves around a Dogrib, First Nations teenager, Larry Sole, in the fictional town Fort Smith in the non-fictional Canadian Northwest Territories. Larry is a typical teen, he loves music, has a hate/love relationship with his frenemy Johnny, and is obsessed with doggy-styling it with Juliet Hope, but he also has a horrible secret from his past. And it’s a doozy.

Van Camp creates something so alarmingly poetic and raw. He blends traditional Dogrib stories with the contemporary, meshing a pre-and post-colonial narrative. As literary metaphors go this book is bursting with them. There is the juxtaposition of the loneliness of the Northwest Territories and Larry, fire and destruction, and physical & emotional scars. Then Van Camp rolls out the references to Dogrib culture combining a traditional Dogrib creation story with Larry’s own hilarious, honest narrative. References to ravens, ptarmigans, and blue monkeys are extremely metaphoric for Larry and the Dogrib people. Well, I don’t know about the blue monkeys.

The heaviness of the book comes from the issues it tackles; domestic violence, sexual and emotional abuse, drugs, alcoholism, and the intergenerational trauma from residential/boarding school horrors. The heart of the book lies within the flickering hope Larry Sole has about the future and the love he has to offer. Van Camp has created a character that you want to hold and comfort, then ditch school with to go listen to some Iron Maiden.

My thesis looked into the hope Native Literature can bring to the Native community. The effects of colonization are ever still present in the day-to-day life our people, and we struggle. We struggle in how to view ourselves, how we keep our traditions alive and how to find our place. It’s writers like Van Camp and characters like Larry that support us in those struggles, so we can determine how we see ourselves so we can change our future. This is why I love to read Native literature!! The Lesser Blessed is unparalleled in its humor, pain, and well-written First Nation experiences. As I read and re-read this glorious book, I always walk away with greater hope for my Native community.

The Lesser Blessed was also made into a movie and can be purchased on or iTunes. I have seen it and I loved it. I was so happy that they captured the feeling of the book. Joel Evans portrayed Larry’s sweet personality and he did a wonderful job. I would definitely add this to my movie collection. You can watch the trailer here:

Baby Veronica: Rambling on Something Important

June was a fun month for the Supreme Court. ‘The fellowship’ voted on the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8, an both  were slammed down to oblivion. Yipee! While I am ecstatic and overwhelmed with pride that the Supreme Court made two awesome rulings to support Americans and equality, I have a sour taste in my mouth from the Supreme Court’s ruling of the Baby Veronica case known officially as Adopted Couple v. Baby Girl. (For a full overview please read: Part I, Part II, Part IIIPart IV and Part V.) Baby Veronica has raised a lot of issues… like, a butt-load. Indian sovereignty, colonialism, the adoption community, and  the systematic problems the Native community is facing, & I’ve been doing a lot of thinking…

Therefore, I will use my skills of levity and humor to express my thoughts ramblings. ** I am not a speaker for Natives, only myself. Mmmmkay?**

5. Custody is the PC term for property

As you know, Baby Veronica’s biological parents were not married and her adoptive parents are. That was a point reiterated by the media, no less by the SC, as a factor to where the child should be, Put the child with an affluent, married couple or Put the child with the father who didn’t even know she was born. Natives and non-Natives alike need to be worried about the outcome of the Supreme Court’s decision especially for any parent who has children with someone who they didn’t marry, and are no longer together. If Dusten Brown, the father of Baby Veronica, was married to the biological mother then by law, his biological daughter would be his property & in his custody. If the parents wanted a divorce and in this case, the biological mother did not want her, then the Family Courts would have given Dusten Brown his property daughter to look after. Marriage, crazy institution that it is, has a lot of important legal perks. So that’s why everyone should have the right to enter into it.

4. Don’t be a man, just, don’t be one.

Let me tell you 2 stories about some men I know.

Chris, good guy, funny as hell, knocked up his girlfriend, and tried his hardest to be part of his child’s life after he broke up with the mother. The Ex decided to use the kid as a pawn to manipulate him for money. Chris was smart and went through the courts to set up child support payments, but the Ex blackmailed him and made him pay by the hour to see his kid. After a tumultuous few years inside and outside the courts, Chris decided that it was better if he signed his rights away. His greatest hope is that he will get a visit from his kid on their 18th birthday and they can repair the damage.

Isaak, great guy, really cool, knocked up his girlfriend, and tried his hardest to be part of his child’s life. When he heard that his Ex was arrested for possession of heroine and spent more than a month in jail, he quit school, got a full-time job, hired a lawyer and sued for custody of his son. The courts were on the verge of ruling in Isaak’s favor and then the Ex did the unthinkable and accused Isaak of rape, molesting the kid, neglect and abuse. The accusations were baseless but still needed to be investigated which meant more time Isaak was away from his son. This cycle repeated and repeated. A ruling was close, the Ex made accusations, the accusations were investigated and dismissed, and Isaak was becoming less financially stable as the years of fighting went on and on, and on and on, and he still was not given custody of his son. It’s been a few years and Isaak is still fighting for his child, who will be celebrating his 10th birthday this year.

These stories illustrate the bias that men are experiencing within the Family Courts. Bias from patriarchy and antiquated social norms. Our courts can be a huge disadvantage for fathers. In the Baby Veronica case that is ever so evident. The father’s rights were completely unaccounted and would only be addressed as part of a federal law. Just imagine if the roles were reversed and the biological mother was fighting for the child. I know that’s kind of hard to imagine in this case since the child was placed for adoption before the dad met her, but you get the idea. Gender equality is leveling all aspects of society for development, especially in situations when one gender has traditionally domineered over another.

3. If you’re Cherokee, Make sure everyone knows your Grandma was an Indian Princess.

The Indian Child Welfare Act is an anti-colonial weapon that emphasizes a tribal nationhood and promotes nation-to-nation government. Sovereignty is a pretty interesting thing and it is so heartbreaking clear that people still don’t get what it is. The Cherokee Nation traced Dusten Brown’s heritage revealing that he is a tribal member and therefore receives all the perks of being a Cherokee citizen. Funny, for the media and the Supreme Court, that wasn’t enough. People still wanted to know how much of an ‘Indian’ he was and speculated accordingly. Is he full-blood? Is he half? NPR said he was 2%, other media outlets reported one-fourth.  So, here is a quick lesson in Sovereignty 101 and lets get some perspective here: If I was born in Germany, was a citizen of Germany, and identified myself as German, I would, in fact be German. Would my nationality be questioned if I didn’t wear lederhosen, eat sauerkraut, or whether my ringtone was set to Ride of the Valkyrie? Of course not! So why is Dusten Brown, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, who identifies himself as Cherokee, and has social and cultural ties to the community being questioned? The Supreme Court’s decision equated ‘Indianness’ to antiquated appropriations of culture.

2. Nomadic is the way to go

The Supremes Court said that the ICWA wasn’t applicable because Baby Veronica was not physically taken from her Indian home and placed in a non-Indian home because she had never physically lived with her Indian father. Do you follow the logic? You see, Native people’s introductory lesson with the white man was that they were an undignified, subhuman race that should be controlled and manipulated to become civilized. So the U.S. Government executed a mass intergenerational assimilation project spanning across the United States and targeted every tribe. The goal was to ‘kill the Indian and save the man.” Indian children were ripped from their homes placed in boarding schools to experience what it meant to be white. Children experienced PTSD, physical, emotional and sexual abuse, self-doubt and anger. Stories are slowly surfacing to document the effects of the Federal government’s sanctioned cultural genocide. Some accounts tell of infants, hours after birth, that were taken from their mothers. Those children never physically lived in an Indian home, but they still had one. We’re not talking about this happening 100 years ago, The Indian Adoption Project, and government and church controlled residential/boarding schools were used as the colonizer’s weapon of choice and continued to be until 1978. Let that sink in…1978. Can you guess what also happened that year? The Indian Child Welfare came to fruition. It’s no wonder why the Native community is up in arms about Baby Veronica, it happened, like, yesterday.

1. Get the peace-pipe out and wield it like a Game of Thrones character would against the media.

At the end of the day and no matter what side you are on, one thing is crystal clear: The system is broken.  I am still reeling with the media’s coverage of the case. Pinning the biological father and adoptive parents against each other was the lowest blow and was not journalism. I wish this case could have been used to shine the racket that is the adoption system and the ludicrous amount of money that prospective parents have to cough up to make a family. There are so many reasons why we need to continue raging against the machine. We need to raise the discourse within our circles and discuss issues of race, legislation and civil rights. So…let’s go!

5 Ways to Win My Heart

  1. Be Hot! In your head and heart. Every way else is optional

As Steve or Stefan, Urkel has a heart of gold!

Some of the hottest people I know may not be the paramount of empirical beauty or physical attributes but their kindness, work ethic, open-mindedness, loyalty, and confidence make them hot-to-trot. A really attractive person has got it going on in their mind, and instead of having a body that won’t quit, it’s their brain that I’d like to objectify. Haha! I think a person is really hot when I see they are engaged in the fight to change the world. It’s not asking a lot for a 21st Century woman to have a 21st Century man. For me, I’m still looking for a partner in crime to fight for the rights of women, Natives and the LGBT community.  Did you know that 92%* of people believe that the hotness of a person can be measured in what they do and say? It’s what’s in the heart and mind that makes someone attractive.
*Statistics not proven. I made it up, but it sounds about right.

 2. Love my Family or Die

My family is pretty awesome and it takes a lot to keep up with us. My mom and dad are easy to get on your side, just be moderately conservative and Mormon. It’s my siblings that my potential lover will need to worry about. My siblings are the most important people to me. There are five very distinct personalities going on, no need to walk on eggshells though, they are the chilliest, easiest people to get along with.  To win my heart you must win theirs so please like: talking about social issues, singing, laughing, quoting silly movies, and my dog.

3. Have a Passion for Compassion

Compassion is hot. It’s been scientifically proven.  People in general are a bunch of bastards so when someone is compassionate it’s somewhat, way hot. If you don’t believe me, think of someone who you really love or have a crush on. Now picture them with no compassion. Ugly, right? The opposite of compassion is shallowness. Shallow people are the worst type of people because they are selfish, they watch the Kardashians religiously and they think Obama is Hitler. We’ve all been given a wonderful mind to use, create and do. Shallow people are awkward, much like John Travolta’s toupee.

 4. Laugh! With me & at me

I would love it if I could make the Doctor laugh like this!

I love to make people laugh. I love to laugh and laugh at mostly anything. I like it when no one laughs at my joke except the person I like. If someone is witty then It’s on like Donkey-Kong!

5. Give me a book you like

I want books!

 I am not a lady who needs a lot of material things from a relationship. In fact, I am pretty uncomfortable when it comes to the ‘showering of gifts’ to ensure seriousness. The most intimate gift I have ever received from someone was a copy of their favorite book. He sent the book, Oh the Places You’ll Go, with a note telling me how special I was to him. Maybe it’s because I love books but I think anyone would like to read what inspires someone they love. Duh!

I wish I had a stalker who would use these tactics to get into my life. JK, or am I?

The Reason I’m Bloggin’

It’s that time of year again. That time that I wish I had more time to write but don’t do anything about it. So, on the eve of a new month I have decided to follow this Pinterest idea…a 30-day challenge. 

I think this is the best way for me to get myself in gear. I need to hone my humor into the literary realm.  We’ll see if I fall flat…as flat as my Navajo butt.


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