5 Pet Peeves

Hitler v. Obama: Same in the Eyes of Some
A long-running tactic of winning an online argument is to equate the opposition to Adolf Hitler. It goes something like this: “I hate your opinions, you’re Hitler!” Game, set, and match. You may have noticed that President Barack Obama is constantly compared to Hitler. I see a lot of this going around and it’s completely reductive. Hitler orchestrated the most horrific mass suicide in all of history. Comparing him to a Noble Peace prizewinner reduces the genocide that actually did happen. And it’s a lazy, sleazy way to try to win an argument.

Family Decals in Utah.
Families are large here, I think the average household in Utah is like, 40. JK, it’s like, 6. The family decal is Utahns favorite car art for their SUV’s and minivans. Each one a mini-plastic representation of the family, Mom, Dad, kid 1, kid 2, kid 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7. Even more annoying, sometimes they have the name of the kids as part of the decal. It makes me nervous, what’s to stop a pedophile from memorizing the names and gaining the trust of the kids and then steal them?

 Cashiers Who Call Me Honey, Hun, and Sweatheart & They Are YOUNGER THAN ME
I seriously hate this. I ain’t yo’ hun! I have only ever experienced this by people who are taking my money. I. ain’t. yo’. Hun.

I know they have the right away. As a pedestrian, as I’m walking across the street, I think of all the distracted drivers who are texting, not paying attention, lost, dealing with kids, etc. I book it like Benny Hill character! So it annoys me when pedestrians: don’t look when crossing, take their sweet time, or don’t use the crosswalk. Don’t trust strangers to see you, they will kill you with their stupidity

Mormons who Hate Muslims
First, if you need a refresher, I am Mormon, so don’t think I am picking on something I am not part of. I can, however, view my religion objectively and see where it needs to change. That said:

I think it’s weird that some Mormons hate Islam and think that it’s a dangerous religion. I posted a Facebook status about it: “Alanis Morissette needs to write a song about hardcore Mormons who hate Muslims. Ironic pt. II feat. Pharrell Williams”. A lot of the responses came from fellow Mormons who had to deal with their Mormon family &/or friends that proclaim Islam is dangerous. This is extremely baffling. Hello? Irony calling…yes, I’ll hold. Mormons have a shared history with Islam; shared in the fact that Islam and Mormonism have been perpetually misunderstood, scrutinized and feared. Since its establishment in 1830 in Fayette, NY, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its doctrine and its members have been catapulted to the forefront of religious persecution. The post-9/11 mentality has tainted the lens the Western world views Islam and its followers. Especially in Utah.  Mormonism and Islam, down to the core, are religions of peace, love, and service. I have noticed a few Utah Mormons, not all, post and share anti-Muslim, memes, pictures and statuses. These are two examples that some of my Mormon buddies on Facebook are posting:

This one from a Tea Party members website: “Right now it’s still legal to speak against the religion of Islam and its converts, the Muslim[s] who are trying to destroy our nation, and overtake every western nation on the planet.”

This one takes the cake as it was an internet hoax by a supposed Spanish newspaper editor, but is still being circulated: “… and because we wanted to prove to ourselves that we were cured of the disease of racism, we opened our gates to 20 million Muslims, who brought us stupidity and ignorance, religious extremism and lack of tolerance, crime and poverty, due to an unwillingness to work and support their families with pride. They have blown up our trains and turned our beautiful Spanish cities into the third world, drowning in filth and crime. Shut up in the apartments they receive free from the government, they plan the murder and destruction of their naive hosts. And thus, in our misery, we have exchanged culture for fanatical hatred, creative skill for destructive skill, intelligence for backwardness and superstition.“

Mormons know a thing about persecution. After its organization the Latter-day Saints were driven out, quite legally, from New York, Ohio, Missouri, then Illinois. Anti-Mormon militiamen killed Joseph Smith, Jr., the founder of the LDS Church, and his brother Hyrum Smith. Shortly after their death, thousands of mob and militiamen drove the Mormons from the state of Illinois and destroyed their temple. A few hundred miles and few years later, the Saints illegally settled in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. The Saints would continue to experience persecutions in SLC, this time from the Federal government. If Church leaders believed they would be driven from their homes in Salt Lake, they would direct the Saints to destroy their homes at a moments notice. Luckily, that didn’t happen and we can fast forward to this beautiful city:

Courtesy of Stampingsharon.com

So, why are Mormons, especially in Utah, constructing a culture of intolerance? I’m sure there are a ton of reasons, I’m sure there are some Ph.D. nerds out there who can really figure it out. Utah is a bit stifling; culturally, religiously, artistically, and especially in the attempt of a non-Mormon world-view. True story: It wasn’t until I went to college that I met and became friends with a Muslim, a Jew, and a refugee from South Sudan. Sheltered much? Actually, no. It’s just hard to meet different people in Utah because there are so few of them here. You could pass your whole life and never share in someone else’s world view.

A lack of diversity leads to an automatic lack of understanding and open-mindedness. Mormons hating on Muslims need to remember that their religion was once the feared and loathed, & still is a feared and loathed religion. Perceiving the world through the eyes of another is the most worthwhile practice humanity can engage in. To walk in someone else’s shoes, and to see yourself in their life, willing to listen to cherished opinions, thoughts, and ideals different from your own. Easier to say than to do but I have to believe that it is possible.

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. -Anne Frank


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